Thomas Viehweger

Born and raised in Heidelberg, Germany, Thomas started his creative career with producing music and DJing. However, his fascination with the internet's boundless possibilities led him to the decision to leave his hometown and pursue studies in design. After graduating from the renowned University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd with a degree in interaction design, he moved to Berlin which appeared to be the right place to nurture his creative spirit.

After three years in conventional employment, Thomas recognized that the traditional 9-to-5 structure did not align with his internal rhythm. Consequently, he quit his job and started the life of a freelance designer, specializing in user experience design, which led him to work for some of the biggest companies in Germany and even on some government projects.

Alongside his freelance endeavors, Thomas wrote various articles for design magazines, spoke at several conferences, and served as a lecturer in design at two Berlin universities.

Thomas Viehweger
Mini Mustache Comb

Mini Mustache Comb

Regular price $5.00
Regular price Sale price $5.00
Ladybug Nail Clipper

Ladybug Nail Clipper

Regular price $5.00
Regular price Sale price $5.00